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  Валерий БЕЛУНЦОВ
(1969 – 2006)

композитор и не только

главная   >   музыка   >   песни   >   Семь песен для «Семейного альбома», op.126

для «Семейного альбома»*

* совместно с Е. Евтушевской

на собственные тексты
на английском и русском языках
Голос + аранжировка



opus 126



дата написания

авторский номер

1 (2) Wicked song

2' сентябрь 1992 358
2 (3) You and me and da da da

3' август 1992 357
3 (5) Kissing

3' август 1992 354
4 (6) Shaky shape, shaky jape

Ремастеринг — Александр Лапин, 2010 г.

Текст песни:

If you sang me a lullaby
I would tug it for I would sigh
You or user — mew or music
Bint — I see you mesh me now
I see you cash me
I would type there a «DOER—MAKE»
It's a progress — I ain't no rake
Pickle is my silt
Single is my jilt
So I have no shield — bye bye

Close your eyes and you will see it
Crying you will oversee it
Holiday will moderate your spunk
Shaky shape shaky shape
Shaky shape gee gee
Shaky jape shaky jape
Shake jape to escape woo-hoo
If you'll vanish like a bullet
.. will come here home to pull it
Ain't no reason just to cool it
Mirror — funk — gee — funk!

If you shone like the silly Sun
I would tug you for having fun
Tea ain't water
Knee ain't daughter
Zie — I see you mesh me now
I see you crash me
So I feel like a tumbling dice
For ya gonna apologize
... is your peer
... would be clear
....... bye bye

3' август 1992 355
5 (8) Zie zie

4' август 1992 356
6 (10) Неважно

4' октябрь 1992 359
7 (11) Goodnight

Ремастеринг — Александр Лапин, 2010 г.

Текст песни:

The day brings the troubles and the sob
The day brings the problems and the job
And I don't want the day to come
Don't want to hear the trumpet and the drum

Refrain: Let my eyes be never 'woken
Let my dream be never broken
Let the sky be never blue
Let me nestle just to you
Let the sky be never bright
And goodnight!

The morning brings loneliness and blues
The morning brings mistakes and makes refuse
Too many times I heard the lies
Too many tears had gone from my poor eyes


3' декабрь 1992 365


Обложка CD

«Валерий Белунцов. В облаке ледяного зноя. Песни и зингферсы разных лет»
Издательство «Артсервис» ART-378, 2018
Серия «Российские композиторы. XXI век»

12 Shaky shape